We are excited that you have chosen to join the Cooper Wellness & Disease Prevention Center Wellness Program. There are many sincere individuals who recognize and understand that it is important to improve their behaviors with regard to health. They also intend to make changes that would contribute to improving their lifestyle and therefore, their quality of life. However, many times, in their thirst for change, most do not achieve their goals and become so frustrated that they quit moving forward.
That doesn't have to be you my friend. You can transform your health and we're committed to reducing and improving our patients' conditions through lifestyle medicine. Our treatments and wellness programs include: One-on-one coaching.Group lifestyle coaching.Exercise sessions.Diet modification strategies.Hydrotherapy and other therapy treatments.
Wellness is a choice and you get to decide how healthy you will be. Our Wellness Program has been designed as a result of years of research into the causes of chronic diseases. Lifestyle medicine is the emerging, cutting edge approach that is achieving phenomenal results. You will discover that not only will your physical health improve, but your mental and spiritual outlook will also improve. Once again, welcome to the program.