Learn about THE THROW-AWAY BOOK (If you want.)
You might want to throw this book away right now But again, you might want to leaf through the pages, then throw it away and mutter, "I don't have time for this " However, you might be intrigued and see the true worth of this rare book, then throw it away. Or you might be sitting on a bench avoiding work while finishing a coffee-break and decide to be mildly amused. In fact, I thought of calling this book THE MILDLY AMUSING BOOK, but thinking again, that wouldn't do it justice. You might ask, "What is its justice?" It has no justice It's unjustifieable. With this mild warning and before you embark on this remarkable adventure, I say, "Travel at your own risk " Absorb the intelligence (or lack thereof) of whatever's in (or out) of this original copy of THE THROW-AWAY BOOK
(Then throw it away.)