Is your lifestyle affecting your fertility?
We are all aware that factors of our lifestyle affect numerous parts of our daily lives, but when was the last time you thought, "How can my lifestyle affect my fertility?"
Never - Like many, starting a family isn't an immediate priority - but do you want children in the future? Fertility is a long-term concern. Knowing how your lifestyle can impact your fertility today can help you when it comes to preparing to conceive in the future. It might only be a simple tweak or a change. Having a healthy lifestyle will benefit both you and your future baby.
Occasionally - You are probably planning to start a family in the distant future.
Daily - You are probably planning or actively trying to start a family.
Although they aren't everything, many lifestyle factors including smoking, alcohol, BMI, certain drugs, caffeine consumption, nutrition and stress (well explained in this book) can impact your current and future fertility. That being said, it should however be remembered that every individual is unique and different... and so is their fertility.
Fertility treatment is therefore not a one-size-fits-all approach. There are choices that any individual can make to aid a healthy lifestyle and indirectly promote male and female fertility. It also takes two to tango (oocytes and spermatozoon, that is), so when considering how lifestyle factors can impact your chances of conception, all parties need to be taken into consideration.