This groundbreaking book is a powerful exploration of the miraculous healing encounters that can occur when we open our hearts to the divine. Filled with captivating stories and profound insights on healing, which will inspire and empower you to unlock your body's innate ability to heal.
As a health coach, and minister I've witnessed countless individuals experience profound transformations by embracing prayer and holistic healing. In 'Supernatural Encounters with God A Catalyst for Healing, ' I share key principles and practical prayers to help you tap into the limitless potential of your own mind, body, and spirit as you encounter God.
I'm writing to invite you to join me on this incredible journey of self-discovery and healing. Get ready to dive deep into the realms of the Holy Spirit and embrace a life filled with vitality.
Together, let's embark on a path towards true healing. With excitement,
Join me in helping others to heal. Please email your friends and post on your social media about this book. "Supernatural Encounters with GOD a Catalyst for Healing by MK Henderson In the book of Acts we see 120 believers praying together for ten days. The place was shaken as the Holy Spirit filled the atmosphere. Shortly afterwards Peter and John went to the temple to pray and at the gate instructed a crippled man to stand up. He was strengthened and healed instantly. When the Holy Spirit shows up things happen Some people believe the supernatural activity of the Holy Spirit ended with the age of the apostles. Others believe in the supernatural power of God but don't see it in their lives as they don't understand how he works. In this book you will learn of the various ways that God heals, and better be able to access his power for yourself and others.