"I feel masculine, I can get it up. I don't see how this involves me...."
How to optimize male fertility is an infrequently discussed topic. Fertility is something that a man feels is very closely linked to his sense of masculinity. Virility sits right at the core of a man's sense of man- hood. This book, however, is not about how to be more manly. This book is about how to have the most awesome sperm possible. Follow this 7 step plan to supercharge your sperm, so that you're not doing just the bare minimum to get over the line when it comes to baby making. This book will show you all the necessary steps to supercharge your sperm to reach its full
potential in just 100 days.
You may currently be in one or more of the following scenarios:
- you feel like a bystander in the fertility process
- annoyed that sex is no longer just for fun
- puzzled by the complexity of what should be a straight forward process (birds and bees) - feel helpless watching your partner in distress over trying to conceive
- don't like not having a plan to follow
- want to help your partner but not sure where to start/what to do - unaware that the changes you make will make a big impact
By following this structured plan to supercharge your sperm, you will - Improve all your sperm parameters in just 100 days
- enhance your overall state of health
- get more energy and vitality
- feel 15 years younger
- grow closer to your partner in the process
This book is written for the prospective dad, and details a structured plan to maximise fertility and get you both involved in the process of conceiving. This book helps all men who are trying to conceive to boost their relationship even further by getting on board with the fertility process. Now you've got a plan to follow, you're more in control.
If you want your marriage/relationship to survive the process of trying for a baby, you NEED to read this book.