Sunrise Meditations on Marco Island is a book for anyone who loves color photographs of Marco Island's beaches, waterways, and sunrises. It is also a book for anyone who is interested in learning how to practice mindfulness meditation while walking or running on the beach or kayaking on the waters surrounding Marco Island or your local waterways.
The author, a well-known stress management expert and mindfulness meditation instructor has spent hundreds of mornings walking and running on Marco Island's beaches and kayaking on the surrounding waters at sunrise. All of the photos in this book were taken during his sunrise runs on the beach or kayak outings in the 10,000 islands. Marco Island is the first and largest of the 10,000 islands that stretch all the way along the Gulf of Mexico to Key West.
His photos capture the grandeur of Marco Island sunrises and his thoughtful writing captures its soul. His innovative approach to teaching sitting and moving meditation shows you how to build a mindfulness meditation practice around your love of the beach and the water. This beautiful book will not only enhance your love of watching the sun rise over Marco Island's beaches and beautiful waterways, it will show you how to enrich your life with mindfulness.
Most people have heard about mindfulness but really don't understand what it is or how to use it to make their lives better. Simply put, mindfulness is about paying attention to the present moment with all five of your senses. There are four dimensions of mindful moments. All mindful moments are:
present-centered non-conceptual non-judgmental non-verbalThis book will show you how to use the beauty of Marco Island sunrises as your focal point for practicing mindfulness. You'll learn how to slow down your runaway mind and reduce your stress by being more mindful of simple things such as watching the clouds at sunrise or listening to the waves as they break on the shore as you walk. Practicing mindfulness will not only increase your awareness of the beauty and uniqueness of Marco Island. It will deepen your connection to all of the things in your life that truly matter.