★The Hard way is the DUMB way★
You've already done it the hard way. You know, extreme exercise and dieting. And, that didn't work for me. I tried eating less than 1500 calories/day and exercised 25+hours per week. For example, every week for one summer: I went to the gym 4x, cycled to/from gym, jogged 10km/week, played soccer 2x, yoga 1x, and danced at after hours clubs for 7 hours plus. Despite all that hard work, I still had love handles.
I also began to do lots of drugs because they made me feel happy and confident. But the drugs lead me to having extreme anxiety and paranoia. Getting well the hard way has led me to being frustrated, angry, depressed, anxious and fat.
I have snorted cocaine and ketamine, smoked marijuana and tobacco. I have swallowed loads of amphetamines, MDMA, LSD and GHB. I have also gotten high on morphine, and, consumed plenty of alcohol. But as it turns out, I am not addicted to any of these illegal substances. But I am addicted to highly processed foods like ice cream, Oreo's, chips etc. I've been a food addict since I was 8 years old, and the government has done almost nothing to help me. And, it's not funny. If I didn't consume loads of key nutrients I'm sure I would be dead by now. And, I know because it's not normal to throw up for 12-hours plus. And now that's what happens, if I try to eat a box of cookies, a bag of chips and a half-a medium pizza and in two hours...I end up puking up bile, and it burns my throat and esophagus.
★★★How do I get way well the smart way?★★★
You already know what to do. Breath slower. Sleep better. Consume Better. It's that simple. Reading Smart Wellness will make it more likely that you succeed. And, I only mention things that are verified through studies or my personal experience. I am perhaps the only living person that has taken a single dose of 500mg of vitamin D3 and a single dose of 1g of melatonin. And, I'm proud of it. I don't know about you, I would love to feel and be super everyday. And so, I've experimented a lot as a result. And yes, I still have some shitty days. But, I feel and look better than I ever have for the most part.
I have reviewed thousands of studies and you find Research like this,
EMF radiation reduces healing by 50%. http: //www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1319562X15003095MSG or natural flavour is contained in practically all processed foods. MSG is proven to make mice obese. https: //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1106764Chewing gum for 15-mins x 3 per day leads to 50 less calories consumed. https: //www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26188140