Inside, you will learn the key missing piece to the weight loss equation. As well as three specific formulas that make slimming your body and losing weight easier. Helping you achieve long-term success. That was how Mylitta got off the diet rollercoaster, lost 160 pounds and transformed her life. Now it's your turn! Through her inspiring words, Mylitta reminds you, FALLING DOWN IS NOT FAILING and starting over is more than okay. Her focus is on helping you tap into your inner strength, love your curves, and provide you with the tools to succeed.
- The 7 biggest weight loss myths and mistakes keeping you overweight and frustrated.
- The scientific reasons behind why combining different diets together will help you lose more weight.
- A 6-Week Slim Down Level Up Program and Meal Plan
- How easy and attainable long-term weight loss is once you know how the techniques work.
- The upfront truths on how and why to avoid wasting money on useless weight loss pills, potions, and programs.
- Stress-free and convenient ways to establish flexible eating habits designed around the foods you love, all while SLIMMING YOUR BODY.
- And so much more!
You can lose weight eating real food and without following a fad diet or excessive exercising. This book shows you how. Get ready to win and Slim Down Level Up!