A user-friendly guide that teaches you the origins and philosophy of the Pilates method and helps you set realistic fitness goals and custom tailor a program
Once the secret fitness weapon of professional dancers, athletes, and movie stars, Pilates is sweeping the country and becoming more popular than ever. If half of what its many fans claim is true, then it's easy to see why. Combining elements of yoga, dance, gymnastics, and boxing, along with many original movements, Pilates exercises build muscle tone, improve flexibility and balance, lengthen the spine, increase body awareness, and repair past injuries. Most people who've done it, even for a short time, say they feel stronger and more energized, centered, and physically confident than ever before. They also like having the flat tummies, tight buns, and long lean thighs of a dancer.
Pilates For Dummies is your gentle introduction to the Pilates method without the high cost of private instruction. Packed with easy-to-follow exercises an plenty of photos, it helps you develop your own Pilates fitness program to do at home or in the gym and how to use eight basic Pilates principles to get the most out of your mat-based routines. With this practical guide by your side, you can:
Look and feel better than ever Get stronger, more flexible, in control, and less prone to injury Target and tone problem areas Tone and strengthen your abs, buns, thighs, and arms Repair chronic stress and sports injuriesWhether you're just starting out with Pilates or know a few exercises and want to learn more, the book covers:
Basic, intermediate, and advanced mat exercises How to use Pilates exercise equipment and accessories How to target specific areas of your body including the stomach, back, thighs, and chest Pilates for the pregnant and recently pregnant body How Pilates can help heal injuries and reform your posture The fun of combining Pilates with other forms of exercise, including yoga, swimming, aerobics, and moreAdditionally, you'll learn simple ways to incorporate Pilates into your everyday life, changes you can expect to see from practicing Pilates, and questions to ask if you decide to join a Pilates studio or hire a Pilates instructor. Get your copy of Pilates For Dummies to start designing a Pilates fitness program just for you.