What does "Paleo" actually mean?
The low-carbohydrate diet is now one of the most popular forms of diet. Even in the field of endurance sports, the paleo diet is an important topic.
But what is the real benefit of the paleo diet?
Paleo diets come in many different varieties. They are called the Atkins diet, the Dukan diet, the Logi method, the Montignac diet and many others.
What these diet forms have in common is that carbohydrates are rated negatively and are wholly or partially replaced by protein.
This is based on the assumption that reducing carbohydrates will stimulate the burning of fat accordingly. In principle, the human body converts the existing carbohydrates into sugar.
The body converts excess energy into fat.
Many paleo dieters claim that converting carbohydrates into a substance like sugar increases blood sugar levels.
In order to reduce this again, the human body produces insulin, which reduces the burning of fat. At the same time, the feeling of hunger returns.
The principle of Paleo is: If the high-carbohydrate diet is stopped, the body also uses more fat.
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