Are You Tired of Your Body Playing Games With You?
Wouldn't it be nice if you could lose weight without having to feel miserable all of the time?With the Metabolic Confusion Diet, you'll learn exactly how you can beat your body at its own game for sustainable weight loss.
Here are some of the things you'll learn in this book:
Why your body seems to fight against you every time you try to lose weight.4 things you must focus on if you want to be successful with this plan.How to work with your body's key fat-burning hormones instead of fighting against them.The most efficient way to exercise to ensure your metabolism fires on all cylinders.How to mentally approach this counterintuitive diet so that you can be successful.How much you need to eat, and when to strategically change things up.Weight loss is hard and complicated for most people, but it won't be for you once you're armed with the knowledge from this book!