It is normal to have some stress. Stress releases hormones that speed up one's heart, make breathe faster, and give a burst of energy. Stress can be useful when one needs to focus on or finish a big project. But too much stress or being under stress for too long is not good. Constant stress can make an employee more likely to get sick more often. It can also lead to long-term health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, back problems, and depression. People working in banks and finance believe that stress is a powerful tool for their work and often take steps to control it when they feel the effects of forced to deviate from normal functioning excess stress. With the serious financial crisis that began in 2008, many banking service personnel lost confidence and even influenced their job involvement and job performance. The
purpose of the present study is to explore the causal relationship among the job uncertainty, job involvement, job stress, and job performance of banking service personnel.
Managing stress is all about taking charge: taking charge of one's thoughts, emotions, schedule, environment, and the way problems are dealt with. The ultimate goal is a balanced life, with time for work, relationships, relaxation, and fun - plus the resilience to hold up under pressure and meet challenges head-on. Stress is nothing but the normal physiological response of the body to a situation or stimulation which is perceived as dangerous to the body, stress can affect anyone at any time in the same point of life. When stress occurs regularly, it causes harm to the body.