It is often attributed to the love experience transforming power that borders on madness, by which people feel they lose their limits or their identity and enter a fusional state of fusion, similar to the dissolution of oneself. In the same way as mystics, this experience is referred to by lovers as a sensation of ecstasy that predisposes to abandonment and total surrender, as can be deduced from the Henry Miller quote with which we head this writing.
On the initial dissolution of individual borders, produced by the force of falling in love, the possibility of a stronger bond than the one that originally united the child to his parents is built. "A man and a woman will leave their father, and their mother and the two will be united in one flesh," recalls the marriage liturgy, citing the first pages of Genesis (II, 24). This new entity, a product of the loving fusion, constitutes the couple.
In this Ebook you will learn:
The functions, nature and hidden experiences of loveRomantic love Committed loveThe dependenceThe construction of dependence
When you are done reading this book, you will have gained a lifetime of experience in just a few short hours. The stories are interesting to follow, and the challenging concepts have been made easy to understand. So get ready to broaden your horizons and adjust your expectations because you are in for one hell of a ride!