Book Synopsis:
I am, the author. This little book is my creation. The book is small, but the concept is large. It is a series of individual poems, which each tell a story, when taken together, they tell a larger story. The book may be read, Romantically or spiritually. If you invest yourself in it, you will be rewarded. It is truly a treasure map. It is not alchemy. you will not change lead into gold. You may exchange Fear for Love, however. I do not want you to read this book. I do not need you to read this book. This book was instrumental in my successful journey, I offer it to you, so that, you may seek, and you may find. EnjoyAutobiography:
I am a University of Oklahoma alumni with a communications degree. Having retired from a career in the Department of Justice, Bureau of prisons. I now enjoy doing Yoga and Barre almost everyday. I am nearly complete building an authentic Chestnut log house, which was salvaged from Maryland. To my knowledge it is the oldest structure in Oklahoma having been originally built in 1790. I am married. I have a daughter, no grandchildren.