For many people, what is considered "normal" in a relationship isn't always healthy. How to Have a Healthy Relationship in an Unhealthy World explores the differences.
Relationships don't have to be traditional to be healthy, and not all healthy relationships are traditional. This book discusses all types of relationships and provides real life examples of each.
According to author Dr. Laura Streyffeler, "Loving someone doesn't have to mean accepting unacceptable behavior. Love is unconditional, behavior is not."
This book's insights and tools will help readers move closer to having a healthy relationship. It includes composites of:
30 years of client stories plus a few of the author's owndo-it-yourself exercisesinformation that can be directly applied to yourself and your relationship(s)If you are drawn to this book, it is likely that you will see yourself in it. Once you apply the things that you read, it will help you to improve your relationship(s). Whether you want to attract healthier relationships or improve the one you're in, this book is for you!