Autism is a prevalent hereditary condition that causes children to lack the ability to communicate socially with others. One child out of every 59 in the United States has been diagnosed with autism. Even though many parents are concerned about their children's ability to communicate socially with others, their fears and concerns are rarely discussed with other people. Instead, they choose to keep this to themselves, despite the fact that it frequently leaves them feeling irritated and powerless due to the fact that no one appears to comprehend their problems. The fact that many autistic children are capable of developing meaningful connections with members of their families and friends is a fact that is not often known by the general public. Some people have the misconception that the only way to help an autistic child is to show him or her love and attention at all times. Research has shown that this strategy is not always successful. Some individuals think that teaching a child who has autism new abilities is the most effective method to help the child. However, others disagree with this viewpoint. You, as the parent of an autistic child, need to figure out strategies to deal with the behaviors exhibited by your child. In this book, we will discuss several techniques that may be used to assist autistic children in the development of strong communication skills while also managing the behaviors that are associated with autism.