The Gwan Anthology is an award-winning collection of short comic stories, pros, and art, exploring the immigrant experience. This anthology brings together over 30 writers and artist representing 15+ countries from around the world. The Gwan Anthology has won a gold medal from the Independent Publisher Book awards and nominated for two Glyph Comics Awards.
The overall goal for this anthology project was to highlight and celebrate comic creators who produce work with a sense of the immigrant/expat perspective, expressing both the joys and challenges of such a journey. The anthology was open to any genre: sci-fi, fantasy or slice of life; open to both real and imagined experiences.
"...a striking variety of fantasy, sf, and metaphor lends intellectual depth and texture." - Library Journal
"Impressive... smart, colorful, and fun." - CBR
"The Gwan Anthology is a heartfelt piece of storytelling that nails its theme then blows past expectations." -
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