Aromatherapy is one of the oldest therapies recorded in history. Its roots go back as far as 3500 years, to the times of the Egyptian Empire. Extracts and resins derived from plants were used in healing wounds and embalming, as well as in treating a large variety of physical ailments. Myrrh, Frankincense, Galbanum, Cinnamon were in such high demand that they were paid for in precious stones and gold. The oils were transported to China, Abyssinia, Greece, Rome, Persia and other countries.
When used correctly, the soothing combination of beautiful aromas, massage, aromatic baths and other treatments work to regulate, heal and maintain the balance of all the body systems. Unlike allopathic medicine, Aromatherapy works with the body on a holistic level, rather than by treating particular symptoms. By restoring homeostasis (balance) in the whole body, Aromatherapy massage aims to heal whatever disorders may be experienced, thus eliminating the symptoms coming with those disorders.
This journal aims to help Aromatherapists who love creating their own blends keep track of what works and in what way it helps. Being an Aromatherapist myself, I have known for quite some time that I needed to record it in order to help my clients better which I did, on scraps of paper. They would get mislaid, so I had to recreate a blend from scratch. It's ok when we use only two or three oils but gets a bit more complicated with more ingredients. So I've decided to put together a journal to help my colleagues keep those lovely recipes together. I hope you find the journal useful in your practice