In the present study, researcher made an attempt to justify the contradiction about the effect of yogasana on brain function with scientific data and logical explanations. The thesis report as presented here is divided into five chapters. First chapter (I) deals with brain and its functions, relevance of yogasana, objectives and significance of this study. Related scientific literatures are discussed in the second chapter (II). Methodological details followed during this study are explained in the third chapter (III). Results, analysis of the data and logical interpretations are incorporated in the fourth chapter (IV). Summary, conclusions, strength of the study and recommendations are presented in the fifth chapter (V). List of references, seminars, workshops, publications, appendices and other supplementary materials are also presented at the end of the thesis report.
The present study will be successful, if this research work creates curiosity, awareness and may provide some contribution in the field of yogasana and its effect on brain function in our country and abroad.