Do you want to adopt a healthy lifestyle to get back in shape?
You can eat like a Mediterranean. This uniquely based, low fat diet is more than just a fad. It's a lifestyle that will ensure you live a long and healthy life.
The Mediterranean Diet has recently been heralded for its ability to protect our heart and maintain a healthy weight. Here are some less known benefits of the Mediterranean Diet:
Lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes - Studies have shown that individuals who follow the Mediterranean Diet result in a reduction in their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 67%.
Reduces risk of certain types of cancer - Researchers have found that people who follow the Mediterranean Diet have a lower risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer.
Lowers risk of heart disease - Research from Harvard University has shown that people who follow the Mediterranian Diet have a 30% lower risk for developing heart disease than those who follow a typical diet. This translates into an average 9 to 10 years of remaining life expectancy.
Protects against bone loss - People who follow the Mediterranian Diet are at reduced risk for losing bone mass and experiencing osteoporosis. In fact, there is no significant difference between bone mineral density among those that adhere to the diet and those who do not adhere to the diet.
This book covers:
Step-by-Step Breakfast Recipes to Start the Day With a Completely Different FlavorStep-by-Step Lunch Recipes to Eat Healthy and Balanced Without Being Hungry All DayQuickly and Effortless Dinner Recipes Step-by-Step Dessert Recipes for Sweet Healthy TreatsAnd Much Moore!