My journey with diverticulitis began a few years ago following a simple doctor's visit for abdominal cramps and constipation. As you can imagine this visit completely changed my life. Like many of you reading this, I had symptoms for years, with many doctors unable to pinpoint exactly what was the issue before being accurately diagnosed. Once they were able to say for sure that it was diverticulitis, however, they were able to give me a very basic run down as to what the condition was, and the main things that could potentially result in a flare.
The information given, however, was just the tip of the iceberg so, I followed up by doing a deep dive into all the information I could find and tested different theories that various medical professionals recommended. Some sent me directly into flares and some worked. So, I decided to share the information I gathered that have helped me consistently over the years to avoid flares as well as a few of my favorite recipes that get me through my days.
This Diverticulitis Diet Guide will explore:
What Exactly is DiverticulitisThe Latest Science on DiverticulitisAge & Diverticulitis - Diverticulitis in The Younger PopulationHow do Doctors Diagnose A Patient with Diverticulosis?Causes and Symptoms of DiverticulitisWhen Should I Seek Medical Assistance?Understanding the 3 Stages of Diverticulitis and Adjustments Needed for Each StageGut Microbiome and DiverticulitisHow to Improve Gut FloraGain an Understanding of Fiber and How It Affects Your GutAvailable Diverticulitis TreatmentsApproved Diverticulitis FoodsEssential Shopping ListList of Foods to AvoidHow to Prevent and Deal with AttacksHow to Deal with Mild to Medium SymptomsHow to Deal with Strong SymptomsHow to Deal with Abdominal PainPhysical Activity and GI HealthDiverticulitis FAQ21 Day Action Plan for DiverticulitisSample Diverticulitis Meal Plans for Incorporating All Three Stages of The Diet52 Proven and Delicious Diverticulitis Diet Recipes to Prevent Flare-Ups and Improve Gut Health includingDon't allow a diverticulitis diagnosis to dictate your life. Grab a copy of this Diverticulitis Diet Guide today.