Imagine being able to start a conversation with anybody, anywhere, any time and getting them to readily agree to go along with your idea, regardless of what it might be. The language patterns contained in this book are some of the most powerful language patterns in the world. They will allow you to phrase your ideas in a way that will get others wanting to do what you want, and imagining that it was their idea.
Here Is a Preview of What you'll learn...
Meaning of Covert hypnosisHow to Go About With Conversational HypnosisBenefits of Covert HypnosisFacts about Covert HypnosisMuch, much moreWelcome to the fascinating world of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, and covert hypnosis. This book is a comprehensive guide that takes you on a journey through the history, techniques, and applications of these powerful practices. From the earliest recorded instances of hypnosis to modern-day uses in therapy and personal development, this book provides a thorough understanding of the subject.