- Improve your Social Skills: A Guide to Overcoming Shyness and Boosting Self Confidence. How to Having Successful Conversations and Communications in Business
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety: 7 Techniques of CBT for Overcome Anger, Negative Thoughts, Insomnia and Decluttering your Brain. Made Simple Guide to Improve your Freedom from Social Anxiety
- Self-Discipline Blueprint: Achieve your Goals, Success and Confidence on Increase Willpower. Develop your Good Habits on Self Discipline and Help Motivation. Stop Procrastination and Laziness!
- The Self Confidence Guide: Improve your Social Skills. Workbook for good habits, achieve your goals, business success.
- Autodisciplina Diaria: Alcanza tus objetivos, tus �xitos, aumenta la confianza y la fuerza de voluntad. Deten la pereza en 10 d�as y desarrolla tus buenos h�bitos en autodisciplina y motivaci�n.