Von Gemeingütern zum Gemeingut der Menschheit
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Jurisprudência em matéria de processo penal e doutrina
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Rechtsdoktrin zum allgemeinen Strafrecht
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Dottrina giuridica sul diritto penale generale
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La giurisprudenza in materia di procedura e dottrina penale
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Legal doctrine on general criminal law
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Rechtsprechungsrecht zum Strafverfahren und zur Doktrin
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Doutrina jurídica sobre o direito penal geral
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Doutrina e jurisprudência sobre o crime de genocídio
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Doctrine and case law on the crime of genocide
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Dottrina e giurisprudenza sul crimine di genocidio
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Doktrin und Fallrecht zum Verbrechen des Völkermords
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Legal doctrine on the rights of stateless persons: Legal doctrine on the rights of stateless persons in the world
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La doctrine juridique sur les droits des apatrides: La doctrine juridique sur les droits des apatrides dans le monde
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La dottrina giuridica sull'apolidia nel diritto internazionale
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Legal doctrine on statelessness in international law
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Rechtslehre zur Staatenlosigkeit im Völkerrecht
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Doutrina jurídica sobre a apatridia no direito internacional
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Dottrina giuridica sui diritti degli apolidi
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Doutrina jurídica sobre os direitos dos apátridas
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Rechtslehre zu den Rechten von Staatenlosen
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Doktryna prawna dotycząca praw bezpaństwowców
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Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos
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Direito doutrinal sobre as jurisdições regionais e internacionais
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Das internationale Menschenrechtsgesetz
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Doktrinäres Recht zu regionalen und internationalen Gerichten
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Doctrinal law on regional and international jurisdictions
Diritto internazionale dei diritti umani
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International Human Rights Law
Diritto dottrinale sulle giurisdizioni regionali e internazionali
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