- Eczema: Recipes and Advice to Provide Relief (Food Solutions)
- Rheumatism and Arthritis (Food Solutions):: Recipes and Advice to Stop the Pain
- The Healthy Thyroid: What You Can Do to Prevent and Alleviate Thyroid Imbalance
- Healthy Food for Babies and Toddlers (Factfiles)
- Nuts and Seeds: Improving Your Health
- Bob Buford
- Diane Morgan
- M. Sara Rosenthal
- Deborah S. Romaine
- Glenn S. Rothfeld
- Mitch Anthony
- James Scala
- John Warner
- John Whitmore
- Kenneth Ain
- W. Grant Thompson
- Deborah Gordon
- Laurie M. Aesoph
- Jennifer Haigh
- Selene Y. Craig
- Geoffrey Turnbull
- Ray Daniels
- Paul Z. Jackson
- Gerard Guillory
- Edward E. Robinson