- Ayude a su Hijo a Tener Exito en la Escuela Guia Especial para Padres Latinos: Help Your Children Succeed in School: A Special Guide for Latino Parents (Guias Practicas / Practical Guides)
- Latino Advantage in the Workplace: Using Who You Are to Get Where You Want to Be
- La Ventaja Latina en el Trabajo (Latino Advantage in the Workplace)
- Find Your Inner Red Shoes: Step Into Your Own Style of Success
- Latinos in College: Your Guide to Success
- Regen Dennis
- Heather Shouse
- Bob Burke
- Olga Litowinsky
- William P. Germano
- Julie Coates
- Deidi von Schaewen
- Douglas G. Richards
- Daniel L. Peterson
- Phyllis Bess
- Kristine Van Raden
- Sylvia Mendoza
- Christopher Walsh
- Colleen Schafroth
- Jeff Sullivan
- Bradley S. Galer
- Michael T. Sedam
- Thomas Moran
- Susan Roubidoux
- Tom Bess