De Re Metallica
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The Memoirs Of Herbert Hoover: Years Of Adventure, 1874-1920
$21.19 - $54.09
American Individualism
$7.46 - $34.95
Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover's Secret History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath
Fishing for Fun - and to Wash You Soul
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The Memoirs Of Herbert Hoover: The Great Depression, 1929-1941
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Challenge to Liberty (Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Era of the New Deal)
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The Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson (Woodrow Wilson Center Press)
$23.95 - $47.44
The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover 1920-1933; The Cabinset and The Presidency
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The memoirs of Herbert Hoover: The cabinet and the presidency, 1920-1933
Let My People Go
$5.09 - $15.63
Principles of Mining - Valuation, Organization and Administration
$9.35 - $32.83
The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover, Vol. 3: The Great Depression, 1929-1941
Two Peacemakers in Paris: The Hoover-Wilson Post-Armistice Lettres, 1918-1920
The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover, Years of Adventure 1874-1920
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The State Papers and Other Public Writings of Herbert Hoover, V1: March 4, 1929 to October 1, 1931
$51.96 - $61.01
An American Epic: The Guns Cease Killing and the Saving of Life From Famine Begins, 1939-1963
$20.87 - $31.95
Address Of Herbert Hoover, President Of The United States, At The Washington Dinner Conference Of The Boy Scouts Of America In Commemoration Of Their Twentieth Anniversary March 10, 1930
$18.54 - $20.27
Business Cycles and Unemploymentfirst Edition
Development of the United States Capital: Addresses Delivered in the Auditorium of the United States Chamber of Commerce Building, Washington, D. C., ... Capital; April 25-26, 1929
State Of The Union Addresses
$9.63 - $21.15
The Speeches of President Herbert Hoover
The Wit and Wisdom of Herbert Hoover: A Compilation of Many of His Quotations
$13.09 - $14.69
The Economics of Mining
$24.95 - $38.95
The problem of prosperity and the part in it played by the American railroads; testimony
$13.05 - $26.95
America's Way Forward
The New Day: Campaign Speeches Of Herbert Hoover 1928
$28.95 - $42.51
Addresses Upon the American Road; 1948-1950
Herbert Hoover, 1874-1964: Chronology-documents-bibliographical AIDS (The Presidential Chronologies)
America's first crusade