Globalização Da Pobreza E Da Violência Sistémicas
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Globalizzazione Della Povertà E Della Violenza Sistemica
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Globalization of Systemic Poverty and Violence
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Globalisierung Von Systemischer Armut Und Gewalt
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Chaotic environmental governance
Governança ambiental caótica
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Governance ambientale caotica
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Chaotische Umweltpolitik
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Alcoholism in the world, a scourge that is destroying us all
Alkoholismus in der Welt, eine Seuche, die uns zerstört (German Edition)
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L'alcolismo nel mondo, un flagello che ci sta distruggendo tutti (Italian Edition)
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O alcoolismo no mundo, um flagelo que nos está a destruir a todos (Portuguese Edition)
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