There was no hiding there, I know. No illegal tech in the background or piratecode splices to defend myself or turn a profit on the black market. The Highstar AI would be on you. Only Streetside afforded somewhere to disconnect - or make your own highly selective connections.
In a futurescape of all-pervasive technology, ZILCH tells the story of one man trying to make that desperate big score. And the aftermath when it all goes wrong in an augmented world where what is real and merely synthetic no longer has any distinction, and where killer AI are willing and equipped to do the dirty work of corporations accountable to no one. In ZILCH, TR Matthews summons the same gritty cyberpunk future envisaged by Philip K. Dick, Alfred Bester and William Gibson. A future of rogue AI, immersive technologies and ever more tenuous social fabric, all wrapped up in a visceral prose that drives the reader toward an ending that pits one man against the near-infinite power of artificial intelligence...