I believe it's in you to shine! Your Pocket Coach is precisely that - a coach in your pocket for those moments when you wish you could talk to someone.
Small in size, it will fit in your pocket or bag. Take it wherever you go and never feel aloneBIG in motivation, right when you need itBlank pages throughout to gain clarity by writing your thoughts and emotions after reflection Journal toward empowerment by replacing ideas that bring you down with words of hopeInspiring Bible and motivational quotes
You know what it's like; once in a depressed headspace, it's hard to get out. We've all been there. Feelings of isolation begin to creep in, and negative self-talk is never far behind. But, you've got this; join me on the pages as together we work toward connection, hope and healing. See you on the inside.
Note: To fully benefit, read reflectively and write out your thoughts on the blank pages as you go. For the ebook version, have a notepad handy before you begin.
You can refer to the motivational content repeatedly; the more you reflect, the more you will grow and heal. This is your unique journey - empower yourself.