Upon reading You'll Never Be Nobody (Living in Sanity), there was a mixture of feelings-sympathy, grief, awe, admiration, to name a few.
This book takes you through the life of an amazing, strong woman who makes it through said life with one power-the power of God.
Now let me start this review by saying, I am not at all as close to God as I would like to be, for reasons of my own. My life has been like the one expressed in this book-from sexual abuse, physical abuse, mental and emotional abuse to depression. Unlike the author, I went away from God, deeming Him the enemy and causer of all the bad in my life.
This book has touched me in a fascinating way because not only do I see this woman differently now, I see hope for myself in my relationship with God. However long the road between Him and I, I know the path is there and mine to take with an outcome of love and glory. The author is an inspiration to all young women struggling with issues of everyday life. This book has given an answer to a lot of questions. It has given hope where hope didn't exist (for me, at least). I now understand the saying, "With God, anything is possible " The author has proven this with her amazing gift of literature.