Today's Business landscape is characterised by Social media proliferation. The critical point for the Companies is to exist where customers exist. How, when and where the business needs to engage with customers have changed significantly and rapidly due to the broad adoption of the social web. Customers are now sharing their experiences and feedback on companies and brands. This means that whether or not the company chooses to be involved, these experiences will still be shared. This type of communication and interaction is mainly happening from their computers and mobile devices. Prior to making any kind of purchasing decisions, customers now turn to peers and non-traditional industry influencers for answers through very public social networking platforms - more so than any other source for information gathering. In order to succeed in this hyper-connected environment, companies will need to adapt their business strategy, apply new technology, expand their marketing and PR efforts, and alter and adapt their internal culture. Businesses will have to locate, educate and engage their current and potential customers where they prefer to communicate and that are social media platforms such as facebook, twitter, pinterest, Instagram etc