YOU ARE NOT ALONE I too have been through ALL these traumas and I survived to write this book for you. I offer you hope and victory.
I think there is a huge market for this work. Millions of people suffer with the aftermath of trauma. There is no age limit on pain.
From these words emerge three truths.
You are not alone
There is hope and victory after trauma.
You need to get help
I present this collection because I think I have something to offer the world. I believe my writing fulfills my purpose in this life. To help others.
It is uniquely done in a collection of poetry that tells a tale. They are related and based on actual events and thoughts. There are dark poems to show that I too have been there. There are also victory poems to show there is hope. I believe the book is going to help people have hope and the power to move on.
I am thankful for the email I received from you guys inviting me to submit my work.
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