I have taken this book out of print because I have grown and realized that it offers a false representation of success. There is no way to help yourself; the only help we can receive is by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. Without him there is no hope, there is no help, and no matter how good we think we are, it is never good enough to obtain eternal life or true peace. The only peace comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ.
What is "The Gospel"?
The word "Gospel" is a term used in Christianity very often. We as Christians are called to share the "Gospel," but what does that even mean?
Well, the word itself literally means "Good News," so Christians are called to share the Good News Alright, I am glad we cleared that up. Have a great day Okay, okay.... I am just kidding; we have to elaborate a little more than a literal definition of the word itself. So what does the Good News mean from a biblical Christian perspective?
Well, the Bible teaches that WE as people have ALL "sinned" (fallen short of perfection with God as that standard). The Bible says that when WE break even one law, WE have broken them ALL. The Bible also teaches that the wages of SIN is DEATH... So there's that
Ok, we know through the Bible's teaching that God is righteous, just, and holy and promised that ALL sin would be punished by the DEATH of our physical bodies first and then the second death, which is an eternal separation from God and His presence. Ok, that doesn't sound too bad.... It's in a place of eternal torment and pain Ummmm, no thank you...
Well, thankfully the Bible also tells us that God's love for us was so great that he wanted to forgive us and offer an opportunity for redemption to us ALL. But, since He promised that SIN would be punished, and He can't take back His promises, He chose to show the greatest expression of LOVE the universe has ever known. He came down from heaven, entered his creation, and was born as a man (Jesus Christ). Although he was fully man, he was also still fully God, and though perfect and blameless, he willingly died on the cross to cover the debt of our sin that we could never have paid, and 3 days later he resurrected himself from the dead. By his actions, he conquered both SIN and DEATH once and for ALL.
We now have the opportunity of "SALVATION" (acceptance into God's presence and presented to Him as perfect by the finished work of Jesus, not of any work of our own) by the "Grace" (unmerited favor) of God, through faith in the promise of salvation that Jesus offered to US ALL through His sacrifice.
So how do we accept this gift?
We need to first recognize that we have ALL sinned and have fallen short of God's perfection, confess our sins, and "repent" (turn away from thinking we are good enough). Truly believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is the "Christ" (Savior), the Son of the Living God, and he first conquered sin by his death on the cross and paid the payment that we owed for our sin that we couldn't ever pay on our own. Since we were corrupted by that sin, He then conquered death by His resurrection into eternal life, and He is now seated at the right hand of the Father. Finally, we are commanded to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This represents our death to our old life in bondage to sin and a rebirth into the family of God. Water baptism is an outward expression of the inward work God has done inside of you in the form of the baptism of the Holy Spirit through the finished work of Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 2 tells us that we are saved by the grace of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, not by any works of our own, so nobody can boast since it was not by our "good works" we were saved, but rather it is a gift from God, by the perfect work and sacrifice of Christ