If the term "self-help" makes you roll your eyes or the thought of going on a play date with your inner tween makes you cringe, then this blog is for you! (Note: we do use the term "self-help" but only because the thesaurus alternatives are lame and "independent quest for human improvement" doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.)
Role models can inspire you to be your best self in ways you're not able to on your own, regardless of who you are, where you live, or what your occupation, age, or bank balance is. (Which is why even already successful people hire life coaches to motivate them.) Whether it's your bestie, favorite author, teacher, celebrity, or a professional who's risen to the top of their field (ahem, RBG), November is devoted to thanking them for being someone you look up to and aspire to emulate. Keep reading for more on how role models help us, how to help them help you, and how to be one yourself.
Back to school time means beach reads come out of your bag and textbooks go in, but that doesn't mean the fun is over. While we (obviously) embrace all things learning and reading (because books), even we have to admit that some textbooks are a bit, um...dry. To ease the transition, here are 22 alternative academic titles that are entertaining, practical and, well, educational.