The normal human leader needs power and discipline, so since the general population desire a hope of a better life, these leaders put together the organizations that caters to attracting as many people into their beliefs as possible. Satan said, "All these things will I give thee if thou wilt fall down and worship me." After Yahshua was presenting his truth, he mentioned about his royal coming as king, and he said something that the temple leaders heard. He said, "Blessed be the king that cometh in the name of Yahovah," and the apostles were using that holy name. The leaders asked to have them stop talking like that. Yahshua said that if they stop, the stones will cry out. I believe those stones refer to the laity.
Bible publishers, Bible teachers, churches, and evangelists are restricting the true message. This book is intended to get the people into the Bible in a new and deeper way. This is a very bold abridged version of the Bible. I seek to present the true intent of what Yahovah and Yahshua intended for us to hear. It is not an autograph; it has paraphrases and notes. It expresses the Bible verse with corrected inserts of the holy names and other corrections, such as the commandment that states, "Thou shalt not take the name of Yahovah] in vain..." to the corrected statement of "Thou shalt not take away the name of Yahovah to bring it to nought...."
There are many stories that could be interesting and helpful to clarify some of the clues not expanded on in the Bible, such as who Cain was afraid would kill him when he left Eden. Another is the story of Yahovah bringing about another side of Himself. He was called His beloved Son and became the Messiah. He was not fully of human genes, perhaps very disturbing.
This little book may be distasteful at first, but many will find it is sweet, a good read, an incredible journey to understanding what you haven't been told about the truth of the Bible.
This is a must read. If you like it, let others know about it. Even people who wish it wasn't presented will want others to see what is being said about the "Bible message." They will caution ones not to be deceived. Now the truth is wrapped within false beliefs, along with the anti-Messiah message.
It's a good read The great and terrible day approaches.