From the Introduction to the book:
This book was created from a rebirth of my entire being. As I rose from the fire like a phoenix, I knew as soon as I stepped back into myself that here was something very unusual about me-a change. I've always thought that I stood apart from the rest and have always striven for more. It wasn't a desire to please others; it was just a drive that I felt deep within. Sometimes I tried to suppress that drive because I felt that it wasn't important, or it wasn't fitting into my life. But a power stronger than I was knew differently. As I tried to quiet that voice within, it got louder and louder and louder Finally it got so loud that I had no choice but to listen-it was literally a matter of life or death. In no way am I saying that I am an expert. But what I know for sure is that I am a very vital being in this world, and that I have a story, a voice-and I have been called to take that which was instilled within me and pass it along to assist humankind.
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