Combines the latest trends in design with a larger print size for easy reading
The NRSV Bible, XL Edition with Apocrypha pairs beautiful styling with a wonderful reading experience. This special easy-to-read edition offers a large print setting and a unique square shape, making this NRSV Bible easy for people of all ages to read. This edition also includes the Apocryphal and Deuterocanonical books of Scripture.
The New Revised Standard Version is recognized in scholarly circles as the most accurate translation into English of the original Hebrew and Greek texts. In the tradition of its predecessors, the King James Version and the Revised Standard Version, the NRSV was designed to be the "standard" version for English-speaking people across all denominations, which in many ways it has become.
The text of the New Revised Standard Version (Protestant canon), vetted by an ecumenical pool of Christian academics and renowned for its beautiful balance of scholarship and readabilityConcordance index to help people find key passagesCraft-sewn binding for added strength and long lifeCraft-made Amalfi cover with imported Bible paperDouble-column formatRibbon markerBonded leather cover lays flat when openRelated Subjects
Bible Bibles Biblical Christian Christian Books & Bibles Christianity Religion Religion & Spirituality