Your 200-page Personal Trainer for XSL
To learn how to use XSL, you need practical hands-on advice from an expert who understands what it is like to just start out. By working step by step through document structures, template rules, stylesheet transformations, and formatting objects, you can master XSL fundamentals while learning how to transform structured data into any output format needed from HTML to XHTML to program source code.
This book is designed for anyone who wants to learn XSL, including those who create or support XML applications and XML-based solutions. Inside, you'll find comprehensive overviews, step-by-step procedures, frequently used tasks, documented examples, and much more. One of the goals is to keep the content so concise that the book remains compact and easy to navigate while at the same time ensuring that the book is packed with as much information as possible--making it a valuable resource.
Learning XSL doesn't have to be a frustrating experience, you can use XSL: The Personal Trainer for XSLT, XPath and XSL-FO to learn everything you need to use XSL and related technologies effectively. Look also for XML, DTDs, Schemas: The Personal Trainer.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. XSL Transformations & Formatting 14