Emiel Lamberts, professor emeritus of contemporary history at KU Leuven, is an international expert in the political and religious history of Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. His work and the central themes in his research are the focus of World Views and Worldly Wisdom.Contributors: Winfried Becker (Universit t Passau), Bruno B thouart (Universit du Littoral C te d'Opale), Hans Blom (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Alfredo Canavero (Universit degli Studi di Milano), Philippe Chenaux (Pontificia Universit Lateranense, Roma), Andrea Ciampani (LUMSA, Roma), Jo Deferme (KU Leuven), Jan De Maeyer (KADOC KU Leuven), Henk De Smaele (Universiteit Antwerpen), Carine Dujardin (KADOC KU Leuven), Jean-Dominique Durand (Universit Lyon 3), Michael Gehler (Jean Monnet Chair, Universit t Hildesheim - Institut f r Neuzeit- und Zeitgeschichtsforschung, Wien), Susana Monreal (Universidad Cat lica del Uruguay), Patrick Pasture (KU Leuven), Patrick M.W. Taveirne (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Peter Van Kemseke (Europese Commissie, KU Leuven), Vincent Viaene (Attach bij het Huis van Koning Filip), Els Witte (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
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