To God be the glory for things he has done and continue to do.
Words to live by was birthed from reading the late Dr. Myles Munroe's book Understanding Your Potential. Proverbs 13:2, a man shall eat good by the fruit of his mouth. In other words, the life we are currently living was framed from the words we declare from our lips, so if you like the fruits that you are presently reaping you need to change the words that you allow to depart from your lips.
Webster's Dictionary defines words as a speech or sounds that symbolizes and communicates meaningful speech. Words are very important and they take on substance once spoken in the spiritual realm. The Psalmist David said, "Day after day they pour forth speech, and night after night they reveal knowledge Psalm 19:2.
After a thorough study on the importance of words, I was inspired by the Holy Spirit to author this book to encourage the Body of Believers to guard the words that we allow to depart from our lips because we will reap the repercussion of those fruits.
Words to Live By was written to inspire and motivate believers to declare the spoken Word of God daily over their live, business, marriage, family, communities, and Ministry to reprogram their mental capacity by renewing their minds by kicking the accuser and his cohorts out of their lives by the power of the Holy Spirit, and to be a source of blessing.