2043 year. Life in a crowded metropolis was not always easy for the Woodland brothers, who faced an unexpected next challenge - the illness of their younger sister Mia. But no one could have guessed what a terrible whirlwind of events would happen in their lives when, in order to solve the pressing problems, they would agree to a 'simple' job. The subtle game that takes place 'behind the scenes' of the main events reveals the veil of the inevitability that has affected all mankind.
What price would the Woodland brothers have to pay to survive, to preserve their honor and dignity, to emerge victorious? How does devotion to human values such as family, friends, honesty, and justice help the main character get through anxiety, pain, and loss? And Spark is the most loyal and smart dog who will do anything for his man.
Action with chases, fights and unexpected twists of events, human dramas through which the main character passes, belief in justice, unbreakable friendship and devotion... all this you will find in the pages of this book, which will not let you go to the very last page.