Wooden Ornaments
M. Dlugopolski
After the loss of their mother, Brian and his sisters must prepare funeral arrangements and break the news to their terminally ill father, Aubrey. As Aubrey reflects on his life and talks to the ghost of his wife, he thinks on his sins and begins to discover the healing power of forgiveness. Meanwhile, ornaments that contain letters that he made enlighten his children about the horrors he experienced as a soldier and his great love for his wife.
Christmas is a holiday of love. Wooden Ornaments shows that the love of a family is one of the most important forms. Today more than ever before, families need to love one another and accept each individual as they are.
About the Author
Writing has always been a silent passion for M. Dlugopolski. Upon retirement as a medical secretary after forty-five years of rewarding service in healthcare, she decided to expand her passion for writing; this novel is the fruit of that labor and love. Dlugopolski has always had an obsession with history, especially the men and women in her family that served in WWI, WWII, as well as the Korean and Vietnam wars. She saw the men who served in WWII, including her father, bury their war stories with alcohol, cigarettes, and silence.
At the end of her mother's life, she shared her stories from the Great Depression and the 1940s. She often told the story of how she met her husband, Dlugopolski's father, and their courtship. This novel allows Dlugopolski to explore her passion for writing and create a written memorial to cherish and explore the stories that hide from us in plain sight.
Aside from writing, she creates burlap wreaths and crochets.
She and her husband raised their daughter and son and are now enjoying retirement.