Proceeding from the truth that the source of salvation is divine and sovereign election in God's eternal will, the author demonstrates that all the other spiritual blessings of salvation are of grace. Salvation by grace is a wonderwork of the Almighty, an exclusively divine work in which man has no part and also does not depend on the work or will of man.
Chapters are devoted to reconciliation by grace, unity with Christ and regeneration by grace; calling, faith, and justification by grace; conversion, sanctification, and good works through grace; victory through grace; assurance of grace; and glorification through grace. Throughout the author stresses that grace is a wonder. Salvation is by grace from beginning to end.
Having been saved by grace and being new creatures in Christ Jesus by the almighty power of wondrous grace, "the sacred calling of to walk in good works," thereby glorifying their heavenly Father. All of salvation is for "the glory of our wonderful God." "For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever" (Rom. 11:36).