Women have to deal with a lot of social, economic, and cultural restrictions. They are treated unfairly and left out of all parts of life. Women have less power and control over resources than men in almost every society.
Emancipation of women is necessary for the economic growth and social upliftment of any country because women make up half of the population and one-third of the human resources in every society. Women can do more to help develop human resources than men.
Development countries put more emphasis on women's development and their active participation in the mainstream of development activities (B.V. Chalapathi, B.V. Raghavalu, and P. Hari Prasad). There are stories in self-help groups about women who are not only better off financially because they have access to financial services, but also feel more in control of their lives. People generally agree that rural women bring in money by doing things like traditional work in the fields, working in factories, or running small businesses. They are also better at managing the end result of these activities.