Middle-aged Will Sonnet lives on twelve acres in the middle of peace and serenity, where fixing fences and pounding nails distracts him from a string of pompous, egotistical bosses he has endured at his job for the last several years. Content with his independent life and his dog, Stretch, as his best friend, Will finds it challenging to find a good woman-one who will not be concerned with changing him. As a result, marriage is but a distant thought.
But when his neighbor Sarah shows up at his door with lunch, an invitation to share the day in the country arises, everything changes. Suddenly Will realizes that Sarah's companionship is hard to surpass. With a comforting laugh and total acceptance of him as a man, Sarah envelops Will in the folds of unconditional love as two souls are brought together by fate.
As two dreams are brought together as one, both Will and Sarah soon learn that the past is better left behind, leaving the future guided by only their hearts as they finally learn to embrace and accept true love.