When Justine Braden turned twenty she received the family gift of time travel. Its purpose? She is to follow God's directives and travel back in time to facilitate justice. In 1879 Justine and her family move from New Hampshire to Lawrence, Kansas to be near her fianc 's family. Will Justine be called upon to use her gift of time travel in this new town? The answer is yes. Justine travels into the past to right the wrongs of one very wicked man who has brought pain and suffering to many families during the Civil War. The man fights against Justine's interference, but God's justice prevails. Good conquers evil. And the victims revel in their newfound freedom. Watch the transformation of Justine as she goes from being a spoiled socialite in 1870s New York, to a courageous woman of faith, living out her special God-given purpose.