The go-to guide to acing the Series 65 Exam
Consisting of 130 multiple-choice questions in the areas of ethics and legal guidelines, investment strategies, investment vehicles, and economics and analysis, the Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination (Series 65) is designed to qualify candidates as investment adviser representatives.
An indispensable resource for anyone preparing to take this tough three-hour exam, Wiley Series 65 Exam Review 2019 was created by the experts at The Securities Institute of America, Inc. It arms you with what you need to score high and pass the Series 65 Exam on your first try. Designed to let you build and fine-tune your knowledge of all areas covered in the exam and to guarantee that you're prepared mentally and strategically to take the test, it features:
Wiley Series 65 Exam Review 2019 is your ticket to passing the Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination--with flying colors