This super special notebook or journal is both a personaland functional gift idea and a great way to express yourgratitude to a special student, friend, co-worker or familymember who is all into essential oils. Give them something theycan use over and over as they list out and describe their favoriteEO recipes and mixtures.
There is plenty of room to organize your new and oldrecipes, ingredients, directions for making it and so much more.This essential oils diary is filled with blank lined sheets withgrids and places to write out, save, organize and create newmixtures including; diffuser blends, roller bottle recipes, DIYrecipes, etc.
This memorable and useful logbook makes a wonderfulpresent for just about anyone for any occasion such as Motheror Fathers Day, Valentines Day, birthdays, Anniversaries, Christmas or more.
6x9 in size, nice EO cover imageGreat gift idea for under $10.00Makes a perfect gift or present for special friendsand family membersGood for list making, recipe logging, journaling, writing, doodling, re-mixing and so much more