William Blake saw a world
in a grain of sand.
These sculptures and poems
go inside the stones to see
what centuries have hidden.
Sit with this stone art.
Feel God's tender love and care.
Receive the gift of Peace.
The stone poems,
go inside the stone sculptures
to explain the riddle of life-
Hidden through the ages.
Some stones were plucked from
river beds where rainbow trout came
and whispered secrets.
When picked up and sawed
sparks fly from them, so maybe
they contain light of stars.
Light to reveal the
Mystery of wisdom
written on walls of caves.
Etched in stone commandments.
Sun shining bright.
Star of Bethlehem
Bible stone art teaches
the significance of life-
Jesus is Life.
Gentle Galilean Glories
Healing words of love.
The Glory of God
The Word made flesh
Heaven's Son Shine
As you meditate upon this art, may you come from scars of stones cast, to comfort of stone art, bowing in wonder. Let this be your prayer:
It is by the Goodness of God that I was born into this world in the first place. It is by the Grace of God that I am held every step that I take in life. And it is by the Love of God revealed in the gentle life and tender teachings of Jesus that I am becoming a child of God. Ame
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